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Sophya Offers Cutting Edge Venue For The Ultimate Virtual Office Holiday Party

This is what Sophya looks like, avatars engaging

Be Social in Sophya

Be social, Be virtual. Pick an avatar and play. Sophya provides a solution to boring Zoom calls.

BOSTON, MA, UNITED STATES, November 24, 2020 / -- Sophya, a virtual world pioneering the future of work, is poised to lead the pack this holiday season. 2020 has been a trying year for companies: difficulties with culture, employee engagement, and uncertainty about the future. In Sophya, companies will be able to host holiday gatherings for their employees, ensuring that there is holiday glee despite COVID-19 restrictions.

“The notion that work must take place in a physical location is out the door, finally,” said Vishal Punwani, co-founder and CEO, Sophya. “Perhaps the silver lining of COVID-19 is the acceleration of what has been long time coming: the next evolution of work where we, as teams and leaders, are no longer tied to a geographic co-location, but free to be where we like while maintaining the cultural fabric that is essential to collaboration, creativity, and productivity, That’s what good business is, what good life is, and Sophya is pioneering the movement to get us there. The best - and most timely part - is that office events are actually now more inclusive and delightful than before: all your teammates from anywhere across the world can celebrate together, no matter where they are. We’re here to make sure all teams end 2020 on a positive note.”

Sophya brings together teams who feel the lack of connection that has been created by the sudden shift to remote work. The Sophya virtual workspace brings back the spontaneity and serendipity that is so vital to successful collaborations. Upon entering Sophya, users become emoji like avatars. The avatars communicate via video conference. Social connections happen when avatars in close proximity can engage with each other. The communication is disconnected when avatars “walk” away. This provides for water cooler moments and other activities one might do at an office IRL.

“As a CEO, I felt irresponsible standing by and doing nothing while I saw the pace of information flow slow down during COVID’s early days. In general, that’s bad for companies, and it falls on corporate leadership to ensure that information flow is rapid and high fidelity. Slack or other text based chats are great enterprise tools, but insufficient for replacing the spontaneous conversations that happen when you have face-to-face interactions with people throughout the work day,” Punwani said. “Using Sophya as our virtual workspace, we saw these problems disappear and our team has never felt more connected.

To use Sophya for your virtual holiday office party, please visit or contact Emma (

About Sophya
The new world. Where work is fun. Where you hang with friends.
Looking for a Virtual Office so dope your team will actually want to come to work again? Can't remember the last time you just worked like a normal time? Try out your next meeting in Sophya, and rediscover what work is actually supposed to feel like.

Lisi Linares
+1 310-339-7645