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Florida PSC Approves Renewable Natural Gas Service for Florida City Gas

TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) today approved a new Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Service tariff for Florida City Gas (FCG).  FCG can now offer services to convert biogas into usable renewable natural gas, and receive and transport RNG through its distribution system on behalf of the biogas producer.

RNG—biogas that has been processed to meet pipeline quality standards--is produced from materials such as wastewater treatment plants, landfills, municipal solid waste, livestock manure, and agricultural waste. Once conditioned, RNG can be interchangeable with natural gas from other sources.

According to FCG, RNG use reduces total greenhouse gas emissions, and RNG use offsets natural gas demand for the utility’s biogas-producing customers. This potential offset could allow for new growth in FCG’s service territory. 

Under the tariff, FCG would contract to construct and operate RNG facilities on behalf of the customer. The RNG produced would be used onsite by the customer or injected into FCG’s distribution system on behalf of the customer. 

All capital and operating costs associated with the RNG conversion process will be borne by the customer requesting and agreeing to the FCG service contract. Tariff safeguards will ensure that the utility’s general customers will not subsidize biogas customers.

 FCG has received inquiries from residential, commercial, and industrial customers about RNG availability. FCG serves approximately 114,000 natural gas customers in southern Florida.

For additional information, visit

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