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Kenya’s Deputy Inspector General Edward Mbugua Awarded iChange Nations™ Dr. Greg K. Dillon Excellence In Action Award

Kenya’s Deputy Inspector General Mr. Edward Njoroge Mbugua, World Civility Ambassador Dominic Obadiah, iChange Nations™ Special Envoy, Dr. Ruben West - USA and World Civility Ambassador Winnie Joy of Kenya

Utumishi Girls Academy

Students of the Utumishi Girls Academy

Dr. Greg K Dillon of Indiana, USA

Deputy Inspector General for Kenya Police Services, Mr. Edward Njoroge Mbugua receiving the iChange Nations™ Dr. Greg K. Dillon Excellence In Action Award from Special Envoy, Dr. Ruben West of the USA

Deputy Inspector General K.P.S. Edward Njoroge Mbugua, C.B.S., O.G.W.,' ndc' (K) Awarded the iChange Nations™ Dr. Greg K. Dillon Excellence In Action Award

I have met many leaders but Mr. Mbugua stands out. His sincere desire to make a positive impact is refreshing. It is an honor to bring attention to this modern day hero.”
— Dr. Ruben West
NAIROBI CITY, GREENSPAN, KENYA, August 25, 2022 / -- The Deputy Inspector General (D.I.G.) for Kenya Police Services, Mr. Edward Njoroge Mbugua, is a soft-spoken, kind-hearted, and hardworking man. His dedication to service in the security sector has seen him rise through the ranks to become the second most powerful position in the police hierarchy.

It is, therefore, not surprising that that could have been why he won the president's heart and got elevated to this prestigious post he still runs. Before his promotion as the Deputy Inspector General of Police in charge of the police wing, Mr. Mbugua served as the Commandant, Presidential Escort Unit.

The D.I.G., K.P.S. holds a Diploma in International Studies from the University of Nairobi and has over thirty years of experience in the Kenya police service. Besides, he has worked as Deputy Provincial Police Officer in the eastern region and as Mombasa County Commander.

The D.I.G. stands out as a remarkable figure and has touched the hearts of many in society through his acts of kindness. Even after losing his daughter (Ms. Meline Waithera Mbugua) in a tragic road accident in the streets of Nairobi, he took all the proceeds from well-wishers to build a school in the community in memory of her lost daughter.

Mr. Edward Njoroge Mbugua is the founder of Utumishi Girls Academy. He started the school as a key asset of the national police service as it plays a crucial role in shaping the future of the children of its members. The school commits to making holistic, disciplined, responsible, and focused members of society.

"It is my utmost desire to see the girls’ school be a modern center of excellence. This school is one of its kind in Nakuru County and the greater Rift Valley. It is the only school that cooks using the gas system." Said Mr. Mbugua.

During fundraising in remembrance of his late daughter, the guests raised a sum of money totaling 21 million Kenya shillings. Mr. Mbugua channeled the contributions to constructing a girl's dormitory at Utumishi Girls Academy.

"I want to thank all of you for your generous contributions. It is indeed true that we have our girls at heart. Let us work together for the betterment of the school," said Mr. Mbugua.

Through this act of kindness, Mr. Mbugua was awarded the iChange Nations, Dr. Greg Dillon excellence in action award.

Dr. Greg Dillon is a World Civility Ambassador, Martial Artist, Thought Leader, and Entrepreneur. Dr. Dillon draws his inspiration from his early life while farming and mining in Southern Indiana, U.S.A. The family lived and depended on a good harvest. A good harvest was realized from good seeds and proper nurturing of the crop. According to Dr. Greg, this principle applies to raising strong children and this is what is happening at the Utumishi Girls Academy thanks to Mr. Mbugua.

Dr. Dillon has presented self-defense and safety awareness programs for children and women of all walks of life, from high school, and college, to business professionals. He has devoted much of his career to developing and implementing practical self-defense and safety awareness programs.

He is also known as grandmaster Dillon in the martial arts world where he has been training since 1971. His prowess in the martial arts world has seen him earn the rank of 10th degree Black Belt (highest level) in the Dillman Karate International (D.K.I.) organization.

Dr. Dillon believes in safety and civility through education and practical community involvement. His training programs are designed to educate the public on self-protection and avoidance of conflicts.

Grandmaster Dillon retired as an electrical utility industry expert with over 30 years of experience. He trained as an industrial firefighter and is a medical first responder, certified by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. He is now an international speaker, trainer and global youth advocate.

Mr. Mbugua was nominated for the ICN Excellence In Award by Police Commander Francis Kooli. He was presented the award by iChange Nations™ Special Envoy, Dr. Ruben West of the United States and World Civility Ambassadors Dominic Obadiah and Winnie Joy both of Kenya.

Dr. West was appointed Special Envoy for iChange Nations™ by the organization's President and Founder, World Civility Leader Dr. Clyde Rivers.

iChange Nations™ is a Culture of Honor System; the organization is committed to bringing back the lost art of honor by building a Culture of Honor that recognizes individuals worldwide who have exemplified extraordinary humanitarian efforts to change nations effectively.

According to ICN founder Dr. Clyde Rivers, ICN honors people and organizations that believe every life is valuable and is created to contribute to the world. iChange Nations™ is the largest "building cultures of honor" network globally.

Mr. Mbugua is now in the company of several world figures that the iChange Nations™ organization has awarded. Those leaders include but are not limited to:

President Yoweri Museveni, of Uganda:
Honored for his great leadership in establishing and maintaining peace in his country.

Former First Lady, Janet Museveni, of Uganda:
Honored for the AIDS awareness policy ABC (Abstinence, Birth Control, and Contraception) an ever-present battle for the health of their people.

Dr. Denis Mukwege 2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner from DRC
Honored for establishing the Panzi Hospital and Foundation which has treated more than 50,000 victims of sexual violence

Former Vice President of Kenya, Kalonzo Musyoka:
Honored for his efforts in the peace making process for Kenya, Sudan and Burundi.

Former President Pierre Nkurunziza, of Republic of Burundi:
Honored for his efforts to bring peace to a 12-year civil war between the two major tribes in his country.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, of Nigeria:
Honored for the Anticorruption policies he implemented in Nigeria.

Former First Lady Maria de Luz Guebuza, of Republic of Mozambique:
Honored for her humanitarian efforts for the youth and women of her country as well as
bringing AIDS awareness programs.

Former President Wolde Giorgis, of Ethiopia:
Honored for his efforts to build a better environment in his country.

Dr. Vanda Pignato – Former 1st Lady of El Salvador:
Honored for her tireless efforts in protecting for women’s rights in the Republic of El Salvador.

Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda – Former President of Zambia:
Honored for his life’s work to establish peace in Zambia and on the continent of Africa.

Martin Ahago
Global Partners & Purpose
email us here

Dr. Clyde Rivers Speaks About iChange Nations™ Awards