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Orange County Commercial Solar Installer Helps Businesses Save Money On Utilities And Grow Their Potential

commercial solar installer in orange county standing on roof

Eddie McLaughlin and commercial solar installers in Orange County help businesses save money

REPOWER OC, solar panel installers in Orange, California, led by expert Eddie McLaughlin, helps businesses capitalize on commercial solar arrays and savings

ORANGE, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, November 22, 2022 / -- It’s no surprise that solar energy is a growing business, especially in California. With new initiatives to eventually phase out gas-powered vehicles in several years, California is leading the way in renewable, clean energy. The country could easily take examples from the Golden State.

The solar installers in Orange County, REPOWER OC, are at the forefront of this green shift. Led by industry veterans Eddie McLaughlin and Robert Baghdasarian, REPOWER OC focuses on how beneficial solar energy and electric vehicles can be for Californians and, ultimately, Americans nationwide.

In an article on its site, Solar Panels For Business: A Guide For Savings And Growth, solar power experts delve deep into just how businesses can benefit greatly from a shift to solar.

Southern California Edison And Net Energy Metering

Quoting policies by Southern California Edison (SCE), REPOWER OC shows that the power company is adopting solar panels and EV chargers in Orange County, an appealing prospect for both businesses and homeowners alike.

REPOWER OC explains, via SCE, the importance of net energy metering, an ingenious way to become more self-sustaining in a time of power crises.

“Net Energy Metering (NEM) is available to customers who install a solar system or other renewable generating system. If business owners generate more electricity than they use, the excess will flow back to the grid, and they will receive bill credits.”

According to REPOWER OC, these policies and business practices from SCE are a welcome and positive change. One, they hope, will open up new avenues of energy-saving initiatives in the state.

“For businesses like car dealerships, hotels, and even multi-family housing, it’s an attractive incentive. In short, SCE is offering an olive branch to help shoulder the burden,” says McLaughlin.

Solar Installers In Orange County: Help With Infrastructure Costs

While installing a solar array or free EV charger in Orange County may seem too expensive, Southern California Edison, once again, aims to help businesses jump on the green revolution.

SCE covers all infrastructure costs for businesses to install EV chargers on a business’s property. This installation serves the company in different ways; business owners at car dealerships or car washes can opt to charge customers for a full recharge on their vehicles.

Taking Advantage Of The Federal Solar Tax Credit

“With the business energy investment federal tax credit (ITC) of 26%, early adopters of solar power receive financial benefits. These commercial businesses will get their ROI quicker by receiving solar depreciation over only a few years.”

The earlier a business adopts solar energy, the better. As time goes on, namely in 2023, the tax decreases from 26% to 22%. After 2024, the baseline percentage will remain at 10%.

In short, acting quickly on solar installation will help commercial businesses recoup their investment more quickly.

Installing Solar Panels And EV Chargers In Orange County With REPOWER OC

For those not in the know, installing solar panels and EV chargers in Orange County may seem too complicated to conceive of. But one of the benefits of choosing REPOWER OC is that McLaughlin and his team make everything easy for the customer.

McLaughlin explains how the entire process works: “Solar industry experts at REPOWER familiarize themselves with a property, the best place for solar panel placement, and generally the most efficient way to help cut down costs.”

The REPOWER OC team, after speaking at length with the business owner, will go about surveying the property for the most efficient placement of solar panels.

“After a detailed survey of a client’s property, REPOWER OC gets to work designing the ins and outs of the new solar system.”

And luckily for business owners, there’s no need to stress about permits, licenses, and any red tape that so often holds up construction projects.

“Along the way, we take care of any permits a company needs to install solar equipment. After receiving the Permission to Operate from Southern California Edison, it’s time to start racking up energy bill credit.”

Along with easing the strain on the wallet, solar panels continue to serve as good alternatives to traditional methods of energy production.


The REPOWER OC team are residents of Orange County and surrounding areas. As such, they take their work in the community seriously.

“Every team member is a proud part of this community. We live here, we work here, and our kids go to school here. Our customers are our neighbors, and we’re dedicated to providing clients with the right solar solution to maximize cost savings, along with exceptional service from start to finish.”

This connection to the community provides an excellent opportunity to provide excellent services sprinkled with trust, dependability, and great results.

“Since we live here,” McLaughlin declares, “we’ll be here to make sure a solar system provides a lifetime of benefits. After all, that’s our reputation up on peoples’ roofs.”

Confident in their ability to install solar panels in Orange County for homeowners and commercial businesses alike, the REPOWER OC team aims to help boost California as one of the havens of green energy in the country.

Eddie McLaughlin
+1 714-464-7721