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London's Mental Health Maverick Launches Global Awareness Campaign

A Global Campaign for Mental Health Awareness

A Global Campaign for Mental Health Awareness

A decade of personal triumph inspires a global movement to transform mental health awareness

Together, we can rewrite the narrative surrounding mental health and ensure that no one is left behind in their battle for a life of sound mental health.”
— Mohammed Sbahuddin Rafiuddin
WATFORD, ENGLAND, October 3, 2023 / -- Mohammed Sbahuddin Rafiuddin, a fervent activist in the fight to change how society views mental illness, has officially launched Mohammed’s Mental Health Campaign–a 5-point initiative inspired by his own story. His journey over the last 10 years has taken Mohammed from the depths of severe mental illness to a life of resilience and purpose centered around his mental health advocacy. His campaign employs a unique 5-point plan of action to spread mental health awareness, obliterate stigma, and shift the way society addresses mental health issues, both in the United Kingdom and across the globe.

Mohammed's odyssey through a decade-long battle with Severe Depression, Severe Anxiety, and Severe Psychosis, serves as the driving force behind his campaign. His story begins in the year 2013 at age 22, when Mohammed's undiagnosed mental illnesses threatened to take over his life, keeping him bed-bound and unable to leave his house for 7 long years.

In the early stages of his struggle, his mental health problems were dismissed by his physician as "just stress.” The lack of awareness and insight into mental health at the time led him to a decade of struggling with mental health and mental illness–trying 7 different therapists, spending his 30th birthday in a mental health ward, and taking 4 different prescription medications a day just to keep him alive. Today, Mohammed is proud to say that he has overcome all of his mental illnesses and the challenges that stopped him from living a fulfilled life, and he wants to share his message of hope with the world. Though he suffered a decade of unimaginable mental anguish from his conditions, Mohammed's perseverance and resilience have led him to emerge not only unscathed but as a tireless advocate for those still ensnared by the insidiousness of mental illness.

Currently, Mohammed is working with well-known mental health agencies all over the world to raise awareness globally around mental health issues. The slogan for Mohammed’s Mental Health Campaign is “breaking stigma, saving lives.” This is apt as he works to “annihilate the stigma” around mental illness, he is also campaigning for his "5 Point Mental Health Action Plan," which he developed in consultation with industry-leading psychiatrists, therapists, mental health nurses, and mental health practitioners.

As he campaigns throughout the UK and internationally in south-Asia in the Pakistan/India/Bangladesh/Sri Lanka region where his family is from, he follows a 3-part personal mission that informs his 5-step plan.

Mohammed's Three-Step Mental Health Mission

EMPOWERMENT: Drawing upon his own journey of resilience, Mohammed's mission is to empower individuals battling mental illness by offering them specialized support, guidance, and insights. He is determined to ensure that no one surrenders in their fight against mental illness, thereby reducing the tragic toll it takes on lives.

IMPROVED CARE: Mohammed envisions a future where mental health patients receive enhanced care and support through collaborations with mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, nurses, therapists, and policymakers. By advocating for increased funding and better support for caregivers like family, friends, and loved ones, he aims to uplift the entire mental health ecosystem.

EDUCATION AND AWARENESS: An integral part of his mission is the education of society and the promotion of mental health awareness, particularly within Asian, African, and Ethnic Minority Communities. Mohammed seeks to demystify mental illness and eliminate the stigma associated with it, encouraging individuals to seek treatment without fear of judgment or prejudice.

Based on his 3-part mission statement and his work with leading agencies and practitioners in the field of mental health, the vision of Mohammed’s Mental Health Campaign encompasses five vital components.

Mohammed’s 5-Point Mental Health Action Plan

The Right to Sound Mental Health: Mohammed is resolute in his pursuit of the legal recognition of "The Right to Sound Mental Health" as a basic human right, enshrined in legislation both in the UK and internationally.

Increased Funding for Mental Health Research: Recognizing the importance of research in understanding and addressing mental health challenges, Mohammed advocates for greater investment in mental health research.

Enhanced Funding for Mental Health Services: To bridge gaps in mental health services and facilitate community projects aiding those with mental illness, Mohammed is committed to securing additional funding for mental health services.

Public Health Campaigns: Mohammed believes in the power of education and is pushing for increased funding in public health campaigns focused on mental health awareness and education.

Breaking Stigma, Saving Lives: The campaign is committed to fostering open conversations about mental health to break down the stigma surrounding it, allowing individuals to seek treatment without fear of judgment or social ostracization.

Mohammed's determination extends far beyond the shores of the United Kingdom. With roots in South-Asia, he is dedicated to championing better mental health care and services internationally, ensuring that no one, regardless of their location or background, suffers in silence.

Through collaborations with the NHS and leading national and international mental health charities, Mohammed is poised to take his campaign to the global stage, amplifying the voices of those who have faced similar struggles and giving them hope.

A Call to Action

According to the World Health Organization’s 2019 data, 1 in every 8 people, or a staggering 970 million people globally, live with a mental disorder, with anxiety and depression being the most prevalent. As Mohammed’s Mental Health Campaign takes flight, Mohammed and his allies in the fight for better mental health call upon all individuals, organizations, and policymakers to join this crucial mission to transform mental health care.

“Together, we can rewrite the narrative surrounding mental health and ensure that no one is left behind in their battle for a life of sound mental health,” said Mohammed.

For more information on Mohammed's Mental Health Campaign, to schedule an interview with Mohammed Sbahuddin Rafiuddin, or to inquire about partnership opportunities, visit Mohammed’s website at Additionally, Mohammed invites all who come across his story to join his social community on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, where he plans to host regular “raw” discussions about mental illness and effective paths to mental wellness.

Media Contact
Mohammed Sbahuddin Rafiuddin, Mental Health Campaigner

About Mohammed Sbahuddin Rafiuddin

Mohammed Sbahuddin Rafiuddin is a mental health advocate, survivor, and founder of Mohammed’s Mental Health Campaign. After a decade-long battle with severe mental illness, Mohammed emerged victorious and dedicated his life to raising awareness, fighting stigma, and improving mental health services. His mission is to empower individuals to overcome mental illness and transform the mental health landscape, both in the United Kingdom and globally.

About Mohammed’s Mental Health Campaign

Mohammed’s Mental Health Campaign is a global initiative founded by Mohammed Sbahuddin Rafiuddin. It seeks to empower individuals battling mental illness, enhance mental health care, and promote awareness and education about mental health issues. The campaign’s vision is to make sound mental health a universally recognized human right and eradicate the stigma associated with mental illness.

Mohammed Sbahuddin Rafiuddin
Mohammed’s Mental Health Campaign
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