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EU conducts regional training on cybersecurity in energy sector for Eastern Partner countries

On 19-20 June, the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER), in the framework of the European Union’s EU4Energy Phase II Programme – Promoting the Clean Energy Transition in the Eastern Partnership Countries, welcomed energy sector representatives from the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Countries for a two-day regional training on cybersecurity in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova.

By bringing together employees responsible for cybersecurity from the EaP countries and international experts, the training explored opportunities for enhancing cybersecurity practices and tools in the energy sector. The event highlighted the growing role of cybersecurity and strengthened the knowledge and capacities of the beneficiaries for fortifying cyber resilience.

The regional training was hosted by the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Moldova as a response to the country’s specific needs in strengthening cybersecurity and to promote dialogue at the regional level.

“Technological developments create new opportunities but they also bring challenges that require fast, effective, and well-prepared responses,” says a press release by CEER. “Along with the rapid increase in digitalisation processes, cybersecurity has been rising on the agenda of many organisations. Based on the specific nature of its activities, the energy sector is particularly exposed to cybersecurity threats. This emphasises the importance of cybersecurity in the energy sector and the need for continuous training and cooperation to address evolving concerns.”

Funded by the European Union with a total budget of €8.5 million and jointly implemented by CEER, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Energy Community Secretariat (EnCS), the ‘EU4Energy Programme Phase II – Promoting the Clean Energy Transition in the Eastern Partnership Countries’ contributes to the development of sound legislative and regulatory frameworks for energy, to support the region’s transition to clean energy and the liberalisation of its energy markets.

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