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Newly Elected Tamil Leaders Should Start to Consider Bargaining for a Tamil Nation vs. War Crime Prosecution

Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam

C. V. Vigneswaran

If Sri Lanka allows the Tamils to form a free and secure and protected Tamil homeland-Tamil Nation in the northeast of Sri Lanka, the Tamil can consider pausing war crime prosecution.”
— Editor, Tamil Diaspora News

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA, August 31, 2020 / -- Mr. Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam and Mr. CV Vigneswaran together can bargain with the current Sri Lankan government under US and India’s supervision.

There are two possibilities for the Tamils.

1. If Sri Lanka allows the Tamils to form a free and secure and protected Tamil homeland-Tamil Nation in the northeast of Sri Lanka, the Tamil can consider pausing war crime prosecution at the ICC until the international accord has been signed.
2. If Sri Lanka insists on not allowing the Tamils to form their homeland, then the Tamils should move forward to prosecute war criminals who are the Sri Lankan political and military leaders who were responsible for the Tamil genocide in Mulliyavaikal in 2009.
It is up to the Sri Lankan government. To borrow the American expression, the ball is in Sri Lanka's court.

There is definitely a way forward for the Tamils to take the SInhalese war criminals to the International Criminal Court (ICC.)

We have two ways of sending the Sri Lankan war criminals to the ICC.

One way is through the UNHRC, then to the UN Security Council. Both newly elected Tamil leaders should do the groundwork of the UNHRC’s member states to send a request to the UN security council before March 2021 to refer Sri Lankan criminals to ICC .

The second means is by directly filing a case in the ICC by a victim who is currently living in a country that has signed the Rome Statute.

Around 139 States have signed the Rome Statute, Among the signatories of the Rome Statute are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mauritius,Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal,South Africa,Spain,. Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom

If Sri Lanka is willing to offer a secure and protected Tamil homeland in the north-east, we the Tamils can think about moving forward toward prosecuting Sri Lankan war criminals in ICC or pausing it until an international accord is signed by Sri Lanka with the supervision of US and India, or perhaps the UN.

A US Tamil spokesman said that “We all hope that the newly elected Tamil leadership will consider this option seriously.”

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