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Znoneofthe Above and the Rhinoceros Party of Canada Challenge Trudeau in Papineau Riding!!

Rhino Party Candidate Znoneofthe Above in Rhino Suit

Rhino Candidate Znoneofthe Above Suited Up!!

This Election voters in Papineau can send a message to the Prime Minister by voting Znoneofthe Above!!!

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA, September 20, 2021 / -- Candidate Znoneofthe Above would like to share his Historical Electoral Gift From Above with Canadians across the Nation! Using his Legally Changed Name and his high school French, combined with the Rhino Party of Canada, to give Montrealers the chance to vote None of the Above on the ballot under Justin Trudeau in Papineau, Quebec!

This is the First Time a None of the Above option has been on a Canadian Federal Ballot during a General Election! While Above thinks the Toronto Maple Leafs have a better chance of winning the Cup than he does in this election (we’ve tried EVERYTHING else over the years, maybe THIS will Inspire them!!) he also believes just the thought of Trudeau potentially winning a Majority but losing HIS seat will put a much needed Smile on Canadian faces as a Pandemic Pick Me Up Moment! Plus, if Trudeau cannot vote he cannot get in ANOTHER Conflict of Interest Scandal!! That alone could save us $ Millions!!!

Canadians have 27 Rhino Party Candidates to choose from across the nation tomorrow so if you weren’t going to bother voting he asks you to reach out to all your family/friends/Social Media contacts in Montreal to Vote Rhino, Vote Znoneofthe Above!! Even if he comes in Second place we can always remind Justin he barely placed ahead of None of the Above for the next 4 years!!

Some of the Ideas Above has include Indecent Exposure charges for unsolicited dic pics including online photo matching software to identify repeat offenders! Female reporters being harassed during live shots, especially with vile misogynistic phrases, will be allowed to use a taser and press special Workplace Harassment charges against offenders in public!

For Climate Change Above recommends the use of giant weather balloons over the poles to make it Cooler in the Shade at a cost of $ millions vs. $ Billions for other geoengineering ideas! If it isn’t working you can just pop some balloons and try something else! Put solar cells on top and you can microwave beam the energy down to save on using fossil fuels or use giant ice makers to replace some of the lost sea ice!

For the increase in wildfires Above recommends the creation of water bomber gliders that can be mass produced, easily shipped and assembled on site as needed and can be towed behind any small aircraft like a banner. This will provide a fleet of water bombers on demand to stop fires when they are small! As well, pre clearing of fire breaks and pre positioning of water tanks throughout the forests, to be used to slow or stop small fires quickly, should be done in strategic areas near all population centres that are in danger zones of forest fires.

Given that Canada is in the market for new fighter jets and we need increased high tech jobs Above also calls for a Restart the Arrow Program to build and sell an updated version of the Avro Arrow, a Historical Wrong that should be Righted!!

Given the future potential of Long Covid Above is calling for an urgent change to organ donation in Canada to an Opt Out vs Opt In format as sadly many organ donors may be needed in the near future. An increase into artificial organ research is urgently needed now, before the wave of needed organs arrives!

Finally, Above wishes all Canadians to take a Moment while voting on Monday to think of all that our Veterans have sacrificed over the years to give us the Freedom to be able to Vote in a free and fair election! He requests in light of those sacrifices that every eligible Canadian will Get Off Their Ass and Vote on Monday if they haven’t already!!! Democracy is Vital and yet we can see how Fragile it is at times, it needs Our Strength and Effort for it to Thrive!! Whether you choose the Best of the Worst or go with the Best Local Candidate, Not Voting is a Choice but one that can lead to Losing that Vote one day so be a part of Democracy and the Solution and Vote!! (If you don’t like your options then Stand Up and Run yourself next time like Above does!!)

Put a Rhino in The House and Shake It Up Baby!!!

Above Znoneofthe
Rhino Party of Canada
+1 438-275-9428