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What They Are Saying in Wyoming and the West… Continued Support for Barrasso-Manchin Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A broad group of outside stakeholders and issue experts have voiced support for the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024, bipartisan legislation introduced by U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources (ENR), and U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV), chairman of ENR. The bill secures future access to oil and natural gas resources on federal lands and waters, ends President Biden’s ban on new liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, and fixes the Rosemont court decision which threatens hard rock mining on federal lands. The bill also ensures that new transmission lines meaningfully improve electric reliability and actually benefit customers.

Wyoming Mining Association Executive Director Travis Deti:

 “Wyoming has the resources we need to power our nation, but our country’s broken permitting system leaves some of our most essential resources stranded in the ground. The Energy Permitting Reform Act will slash bureaucratic red tape that threatens energy and mineral production across Wyoming. I applaud Senator Barrasso and Senator Manchin for introducing this consequential bill to remove barriers to American energy and mineral production. It will ensure Wyoming’s miners and our abundant resources will continue to play a leading role in America’s energy and national security.”

Wyoming Energy Authority Executive Director Rob Creager:

“Reforming the permitting process for energy projects is long overdue and absolutely essential in an energy powerhouse state like Wyoming. We need an easier and accelerated process to permit projects in order for us to continue to produce all kinds of energy that will keep electricity affordable and boost energy security for all Americans.”

Petroleum Association of Wyoming President Pete Obermueller:

“This legislation represents a significant step forward in ensuring that our industry can operate more efficiently, quickly and transparently. By addressing the issues of federal oversight, lease nominations, and fees, this bill supports responsible resource development and respects the rights of private landowners.”

Western Energy Alliance:

“Western Energy Alliance thanks Chairman Manchin and Ranking Member Barrasso for permitting reform that enables access to more of the nation’s energy resources, particularly on federal lands, and helps to reduce energy inflation. Oil and natural gas require multiple federal approvals for everything from exploration and leasing to drilling, transportation, and export, and this bill reduces many points of bureaucratic delay and red tape. We are excited about this bipartisan effort to remove impediments to production and improve the delivery of energy to all Americans.”

Utah Petroleum Association:

“Utah Petroleum Association applauds Senators Barrasso and Manchin for introducing the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024. Utah has abundant oil and gas reserves, unfortunately with a significant proportion under federal land. Our potential development of those resources is frequently stymied by a wildly inconsistent, laborious and often draconian federal permitting system. We are hopeful that Congress and the President recognize that development of domestic oil and gas resources in places like Utah are good for the economy, good for the environment, and good for foreign policy. The United States has the most robust set of environmental protections in the world, and emboldening development of our own resources is not only good for our citizens, but for our allies abroad as well. Thank you Senator Barrasso and Senator Manchin for your efforts in reforming our federal permitting process.”

North Dakota Petroleum Council President Ron Ness:

“The North Dakota Petroleum Council (NDPC) strongly supports the bipartisan Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 introduced by Senators John Barrasso and Joe Manchin. This crucial legislation addresses the long-standing issues of bureaucratic delays and regulatory hurdles that have hampered oil and gas development on federal lands. By streamlining the permitting process, setting clear timelines, and eliminating unnecessary duplications, this bill will unlock the potential of our abundant natural resources, ensuring that public lands can be used to their fullest potential for energy production. The reforms proposed in this bill are essential for maintaining energy independence, creating jobs, and driving economic growth, particularly in energy-rich states like North Dakota. For too long, federal agencies and drawn-out bureaucratic processes have effectively held our lands hostage, denying the public the significant benefits that come from federal mineral leases. The Energy Permitting Reform Act will provide much-needed certainty and efficiency in the permitting process, allowing North Dakota's oil and gas industry to thrive and contribute to the nation's energy security. We commend Senators Barrasso and Manchin for their leadership and urge swift passage of this vital legislation to ensure that America can continue to lead as a global energy powerhouse.”

Colorado Oil & Gas Association President and CEO Dan Haley, and West Slope COGA Executive Director Chelsie Miera:

“The world needs more energy, and the world is safer when that energy is produced in the United States and exported to our allies across the globe. We applaud this bipartisan effort to proactively reduce some of the red tape the Biden-Harris administration has created that has tied up permitting and production of vital resources while making us more dependent on foreign countries who do not have the same environmental protections.”

New Mexico Oil & Gas Association:

"New Mexico Oil & Gas Association supports and thanks Chairman Manchin and Ranking Member Barrasso for their support through the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 to strengthen American energy security by updating the outdated permitting process for critical energy and mineral projects of all types in the United States without bypassing environmental and land-use laws. We are excited for the opportunities this legislation will bring to the energy and natural resource sector repairing our stifling economic growth, geopolitical strength and ability to continue to reduce emissions."

Western States and Tribal Nations Energy Initiative President Andrew Browning:

“…This bill will help enshrine that spirit into law with concrete reforms that will serve America’s interests, those of our member states, provinces, and nations, and boost our ability to help our allies….We thank Senators Barrasso and Manchin for their comprehensive, bipartisan package of reforms built for the future of American energy, whatever form that may take. It’s especially important that sovereign tribal nations are given even greater control over their own energy resources, and that Western states will have greater certainty surrounding federal permitting and how federal land in their territory can be developed to their citizens’ benefit.” 

Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, Petroleum Alliance of Oklahoma, and others:

“…We express our strong support for the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 and thank you both for your tireless efforts and countless hours devoted to streamlining the federal permitting process for energy and mineral projects.  This comprehensive bill is a critical step forward in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of our nation’s energy and mineral development processes while still maintaining robust environmental protections and legal review standards that protect our public lands and waters. If fully enacted, this legislation will reduce energy poverty for millions of American households.”